Ok…deep breath. Word on the street is that the Mike Trout 2011 Topps Update Diamond Anniversary CANARY DIAMOND 1/1 was PACK PULLED yesterday, April 17, from a midwest hobby shop.
At least according to a post in a popular Facebook group, 1of1 Sports Cards.
We’re combing the interwebs to see if we can validate this. If this really happened, we’ll know very, VERY soon. What could this fetch? $100,000 sounds about right, maybe more.

The best player of this generation, Mike Trout’s 2011 Topps Update rookie cards have been steadily climbing in value for years. At the time of this posting, RAW BASE cards are selling for well over $500, with variations and parallels fetching far more. Will the values hold? Who knows, and we don’t really care. Right now Trout Update rookies are are hot gold nugget, so we’re excited to see what happens with this pull of a lifetime.
UPDATE: The one, the only, @tanmanbbfan has also posted about this. So, yeah.