I like science and stuff. So I collect scientist trading cards. Modern alt-cards have been a god-send for science buff trading card collectors like myself. Gas Trading Cards, Heavy Trading Cards and others have put out a ton of amazing and relevant cards of historical and modern scientists – Nikola Tesla, Richard Feynman, Kevin Knuth, John Mather, and more. Combine that with all sorts of non-sports cards put out by Topps and others over the years, and you have a substantial body of excellent scientist themed trading cards!

While I don’t have the means to secure an Albert Einstein rookie card (THE grail of scientist trading cards), I do happen to have in possession an early 1900’s Sir Isaac Newton rookie card from Ogden’s Guinea Gold Cigarettes. These are super cheap considering it’s age and relevance, but it’s one of my favorite PC cards, hands down.
Stay tuned while I compile a checklist of the worthiest and most relevant scientist trading cards…